Kindness: What is it? Effects and Solution.
Updated: Apr 24, 2023
Kindness is the quality of being considerate, generous, friendly, affectionate, and thoughtful. Even though a person may not know someone, as a human being they should be kind to them as it demonstrates good character, and resonates well with them. Parents, and family members should show kindness to their children and other family members in the absence of hatred, jealousy, envy, greed, status in life, employment status or financial status. When parents and family members say destructive words or utter harsh statements to their children or family members, it not only gets projected as insulting and abusive, but can have long-term mental and emotional effects. The individual(s) to whom unkind words are hurled tend to believe these statements and words are true, and they believe this about themselves. As such, they program and shape their minds to respond to these stimuli, and the person's behavior and by extension, character displays these traits. As additional unkind and destructive words get thrown at individuals, some adults and children tend to accumulate this internally for years or even decades. With the progress of time, when this mountain of harsh words become unbearable, the individual may tend to become mentally disturbed or even have suicidal thoughts. Some parents intentionally hurl insulting and abusive remarks to their children, and remains ignorant of the after-effects.
From childhood to adolescent to adult, parents and family members must be kind and continuously demonstrate compassion, caring, support, humility and understanding to their loved one from generation to generation. They must think about others in the absence of being self-centered, arrogant, envious, selfish, abusive or insulting for this can result unfavorably. From a wider perspective, employers and employees must also be kind to their fellow workers to foster and develop a friendly work environment as this proves positive for the organization. It must be noted employees build, shape, and drive the organization and as such, they must be treated fairly with respect and dignity. Employees feel better about themselves, productivity and staff retention increases. Workers become more eager and energetic to go to work, and get the job done.
Kindness originates from the heart and radiates outward to others. It brings about happiness, contentment, joy, improved relationships, and a sense of belonging.
We forget to be kind to people and animals because we are too busy. Kindness is a necessity---it makes us human and gives us a sense of purpose…respect, empathy, and compassionate.
Kindness is free and as such, should be transferred to other people in a similar manner as we all belong to humanity and deserve kind treatment.
In essence, if we want to make this world a better place, be kind to everyone....lend a helping hand...we move up in life by lifting people not bringing them down.
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