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The effects of the Coronavirus on our world.

Updated: Jun 17, 2022

In retrospect, our world was a socializing planet for people. It provided the platform for people from a multi-generational and multi-cultural background to physically network and conduct business transactions. People enjoyed visiting the shopping malls, movie-cinemas, outdoor parks as well as having a day outdoors with friends and family. Additionally, traditions such as Christmas gatherings, Thanksgiving, Easter parades, independence celebrations, birthdays, weddings, and other functions brought people together as a mechanism to cement humanity.

The global economy prospered as businesses in the various sectors hired the needed talent and skill-sets to transform their acquired knowledge into business objectives and goals. Company's products and services were in high demand by people from various fields of expertise. As such, the supply and demand economic climate remained healthy, and proved relatively successful and viable. From a holistic viewpoint, the global marketplace remained an attractive site for people across borders to conduct business activities and interact.

With the arrival of the Coronavirus in 2019, and the exponential outbreak across the world within a short time frame, Mother Earth became a sick patient in critical condition. As such, her children or off-springs became infected resulting in fatality for a large population. Burial and cremation sites were overfilled to capacity. Most of the departed had to wait for placement into their final resting place. Mother Earth was in dire need of healing, and with the progress of time, more of her children departed.

Pollution posed another aspect of Earth's ill-health. With the closing of industries, and a considerable reduction of vehicular movement, this gave Earth time to heal. Because of the closing of companies in the various business sectors, peoples' jobs became threatened, and many across the globe lost their jobs. Survival was top priority. The poverty population increased. Even though the initial targets of the Coronavirus focused on senior citizens and those with a weak immune system, the pandemic rapidly spread to different age groups. As the virus continued to mutate, it became stronger, and proved even more lethal. In the event it continues to drive along its chosen road, it will destroy lives at an exponential rate. In an effort to combat, and protect the world's population, researchers and scientists worked tirelessly to develop a vaccine. Following this, the population was requested to vaccinate, however the two booster shots proved somewhat ineffective as one can still contract the virus with an unfavorable outcome.

Even though the Coronavirus or COVID-19 painted an ugly picture for the world's population, it proved favorable as it allowed our Earth to "catch its breath" and rejuvenate. It also showed humanity that a virus can cause a world of destruction and change our lives forever.

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